Get a lean, ripped and athletic body without crash

dieting or grueling workouts

Looking for a way to get rid of those stubborn areas of fat that just won’t budge, no matter how much you diet and exercise? Look no further than That Colour Nails. We offer the ultimate body sculpting solution that can help you achieve the results you’ve been dreaming of.

Our state-of-the-art laser technology selectively targets and destroys unwanted fat cells without harming surrounding tissue. The treated area will gradually become thinner and more toned as your body naturally eliminates the treated fat cells. And the best part is, our procedure is non-invasive, so there is no down time required for recovery.

If you’re ready to finally achieve your ideal body, contact us today to schedule a consultation. We’ll develop a personalized treatment plan that will give you the results you’ve been wanting. You’ll love your new sculpted body!

The Ultimate Body Sculpting Solution

Looking for a way to help improve your appearance and feel more confident? Consider our body sculpting service. Using the latest technology, we can help to contour your body and give you the shape you desire. Whether you’re looking to slim down your waistline or enhance your curves, we can provide you with the results you want. And because we use non-invasive techniques, there’s no need to worry about recovery time or pain. You can even complement your visit with a full body waxing.

Columbian Butt Lift

The Columbian butt lift is a cosmetic procedure that involves transferring fat from one area of the body to the buttocks. At That Colour Nails we use the revolutionary Delfín vacuum therapy system to provide this treatment. This procedure can be used to create a more shapely and proportionate figure. 
The Columbian butt lift is typically performed using liposuction, which involves suctioning fat cells from the thighs, abdomen, or back. The fat cells are then purified and injected into the buttocks. This procedure can give patients a fuller, rounder, and more lifted appearance. The Columbian butt lift can also be combined with other cosmetic procedures, such as breast augmentation or a tummy tuck, to create an even more dramatic transformation.
If you are considering a Columbian butt lift, it is important to consult with our aesthetician. During your consultation, your aesthetician will assess your individual goals and anatomical considerations to determine if you are a good candidate for the procedure. They will also discuss the potential risks and complications associated with the surgery. 
Once you have decided to move forward with the procedure, your aesthetician will work with you to develop a customized treatment plan to help you achieve your desired results.
*Pricing is for single service, package pricing available upon consultation.

Vacuum Radiofrequency + LED


Vacuum radiofrequency + LED is a new, non-invasive technology that uses both radiofrequency and LED energy to provide noticeable skin tightening and lifting results. This treatment is ideal for those who are not ready or do not want to commit to surgery, but are interested in an effective way to improve the appearance of their skin.

The combination of radiofrequency and LED energy leads to increased collagen production, which results in firmer, smoother skin. In addition, the vacuum action helps to increase circulation and lymphatic drainage, further improving the appearance of the skin.

Vacuum radiofrequency + LED is a safe and effective way to achieve noticeable results with minimal downtime.

Ultrasonic Cavitation


If you're looking for a way to sculpt your body without surgery or downtime, ultrasound cavitation may be the treatment for you.

Ultrasonic cavitation uses sound waves to target and break down fat cells, which are then eliminated by the body's natural detoxification process. The result is a reduction in circumference and an overall more sculpted appearance. In addition, ultrasonic cavitation can also help to tighten skin and improve cellulite. There is no pain or downtime associated with the treatment, making it an ideal choice for busy people who want to see results quickly.

If you're ready to achieve your ideal body shape, ultrasonic cavitation could be the answer.

$80 - Wood Therapy


You may have heard of wood therapy, also known as wooden spoon therapy, and wondered what it is. Wooden spoon therapy is a form of body sculpting that uses wood paddles to help shape the body. The therapist will use different strokes and techniques to target specific areas. The strokes help to break up fat cells and smooth out cellulite.

Wooden spoon therapy is often used on the thighs, buttocks, and stomachs. It is a painless and non-invasive procedure that does not require any recovery time. Many people see results after just one session, although multiple sessions may be needed for the best results.

If you are looking for an alternative to surgery or other invasive procedures, wooden spoon therapy may be right for you.

$99 - Sauna Treatments


Sauna treatments are often thought of as a way to relax, but they can also be used for body sculpting. The heat of the sauna helps to break down fat cells, and the sweating helps to flush toxins from the body. In addition, saunas can help to improve circulation and cellulite.

For best results, it is recommended to use a sauna at least once a week. When used in conjunction with a healthy diet and exercise, saunas can help you achieve your desired body shape.

$175 - Cellulite Reduction Treatments


Getting rid of cellulite can feel like a never-ending battle. Even if you eat well and exercise regularly, those stubborn pockets of fat can seem impossible to get rid of. But there's hope! Cellulite reduction treatments can help sculpt your body and give you the smooth, toned look you've been striving for.

There are a variety of different treatments available, so it's important to consult with our aesthetician to see which one is right for you. But some of the most popular options include laser therapy, radiofrequency therapy, and ultrasound therapy. These treatments work by heating up the deeper layers of skin, helping to break down the fat cells and improve circulation. As a result, you'll see a noticeable reduction in cellulite.

So if you're ready to finally get rid of those dimples, cellulite reduction treatment may be the answer you've been looking for.

$ 125 - Lymphatic Drainage Massage


Lymphatic drainage is a type of massage that helps to encourage the natural movement of lymph fluid through the body. This fluid is full of important nutrients and cells that help to fight infection and disease, making lymphatic drainage an important part of maintaining good health. Additionally, lymphatic drainage has been shown to be effective in reducing the appearance of cellulite and improving skin tone. For these reasons, many people choose to receive regular lymphatic drainage treatments as part of their beauty routine.

While there are many benefits to lymphatic drainage, it is important to consult with our aesthetician in order to ensure that the treatment is performed properly for the best results!

The Benefits of Body Sculpting

Body Sculpting increases confidence, is a non invasive procedure, it helps you reach your personal goals, and jump start to eating healthy and lifestyle changes.

Ready to Get Started?

Answering All Your Questions
  • How often do you do body sculpting?

You're probably wondering how often you should do body sculpting. The answer depends on a few factors, including your fitness goals, schedule, and recovery time.

If you're just starting out, you may want to do body sculpting 2-3 times per week. As you start to see results, you can increase the frequency to 4-5 times per week. However, if you workout too frequently, you risk overtraining and injuring yourself.

That's why it's important to listen to your body and take a day or two off if you're feeling sore or fatigued. Recovery is just as important as the workout itself! In general, though, most people find that 3-5 times per week is the sweet spot for body sculpting.

  • What should you do before getting your body sculpted?

Body sculpting can be an excellent way to improve your appearance and boost your confidence. But before you book a session, there are a few things you should keep in mind.

First, make sure you are at a healthy weight. Body sculpting is not intended for weight loss, and the best results will be achieved if you are close to your ideal weight. Second, be realistic about what you can expect. Sculpting can help to improve your shape, but it cannot completely transform your body. Finally, be sure to choose a reputable provider.

Sculpting is a delicate procedure, and it is important to entrust it to our qualified professionals. With these considerations in mind, you can confidently enjoy the benefits of body sculpting.

  • How long does it take to see results from body sculpting?

If you're considering body sculpting, you're probably wondering how long it will take to see results. The answer depends on a number of factors, including the type of procedure you choose and your own individual healing process.

For example, procedures that involve injecting fat-dissolving liquids or freeze-drying fat cells can produce results in just a few weeks. On the other hand, procedures that involve surgically removing excess skin and tissue can take several months to heal.

In general, though, most people start to see noticeable changes within a few weeks to a few months after their body sculpting procedure. So if you're impatient to see results, body sculpting may be the right choice for you.

  • What are the benefits of body sculpting?

Many people turn to body sculpting as a way to improve their appearance, but it can also have some impressive health benefits.

For example, body sculpting can help to increase bone density, which can reduce the risk of osteoporosis. It can also lead to an increase in metabolism, helping the body to burn more calories both during and after exercise.

In addition, body sculpting can help to improve balance and coordination, making it a great choice for those looking to improve their overall fitness level. With so many benefits, it's no wonder that body sculpting is becoming increasingly popular.

We Also Offer Facial Toning and Slimming

Here at That Colour Nails Salon! We want you to look and feel your best. That's why we offer a variety of services designed to help you look and feel your best. In addition to our standard lineup of massages, facials, and body treatments, we also offer facial toning and slimming. Our facial toning treatments use gentle, microcurrent technology to tone and lift the muscles in your face, giving you a more youthful appearance. And our slimming treatments use a combination of massage, wraps, and other techniques to slim and tone your body. So if you're looking for a way to relax, rejuvenate, and refresh, come to our spa and try our facial toning and slimming treatments. While you're at it, you can even care for your feet with a luxury pedicure. You'll be glad you did.

Contact Us for Non-Invasive Facial Services!


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